Saturday, November 30, 2019

Research Its Significance to Nursing Practice free essay sample

Its Significance to Nursing Practice I guess the greatest reason (I could think) why we are studying Research today is that someday as a Nursing Practitioner we are not only going to stare at the walls of our hospitals and scratch the bottom of our multi-colored (red, blue, black and green) pen in our heads whenever there are significant problems happening around our future working environment, those problems that are causing bad effects to our profession and to the kind of care we will be giving our future clients.Personally, I think I could be more confident someday if I become one of those practitioners who can start a research project for my institution or for the society. Not that I will be a wonder woman who can actually answer (through researching) all the problems my future hospital will have to ask, but knowing within myself that I have a certain way and capability to look for a solution whenever a problem may arise in my institution, makes me feel confident and honored. We will write a custom essay sample on Research: Its Significance to Nursing Practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I can be confident that I could be a part of something small (but helpful) for my society. It’s amazing that our health care are improving and innovating because there are someone and somebody who are spontaneously studying what could bring good and bad effects in our plan of care as nurses. Imagine the lives of our ancestors in 1950s; imagine what kind of education our Nurses during those moments are trying to put on their heads? Researching is the formal and systematic way to prove our intervention is effective. If people like Nightingale (and other researchers whom I can’t retain in my head) didn’t research the way they do, maybe by now we are just under the corner of our nursing station talking our way to sanity of what task should be done. Should we do this, should we do that or shouldn’t we? Although some nursing intervention can be easily rationalized through common senses and critical thinking skills, researches helps us improve our obligation for a better kind of care.Why should we scrub our hands like this? And why babies who are breastfed have more advantage than those babies who are not? Strong evidences from rigorous studies are things that guide us nurses and future nursing practitioner to decide and act rationally. We need to specify our nursing actions and decisions on evidence and supports so that we will know that our actions are clinically appropriate, and that it is effective, and that it will give positive outcome for our clients. Now I know that ation alizations from the content of procedures found in our lecture and return demonstration are published for a reason and that is not just written, it has basis. We could always hear that our school givse high-quality kind of education for its students, well that’s what researching can be about. It is a non-stop and spontaneous study of how to improve care inside and outside the hospital, to reach a high-quality level of care to individuals, family and community. The primary reason for conducting nursing research is to foster optimum care or clients.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Conventional Wisdom and American Elections essay

Conventional Wisdom and American Elections essay Conventional Wisdom and American Elections essay Conventional Wisdom and American Elections essayThe Electoral College, established by the US Constitution (Article II, Section1), consists of a group of 538 electors who participate in presidential elections. The Electoral College works in the following way: each state should have the same number of electors and the members of the US Congress. There are 538 votes totally. The candidate, who is able to win the majority of votes, will become the president. Electoral College votes play an important role in the strategy of electoral campaign. It is not required to win the popular vote in each of 50 states in order to win the presidential elections because a candidate for the presidency can win elections by winning the majority of votes in 11 states, which â€Å"have the largest number of electoral college votes† (Baumgartner Francia, 2008, p. 167).Some of the main pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process can be explained b y different approaches to winning the presidency. The opponents state that Electoral College is undemocratic in its nature because there are some flaws in this institution. According to Longley, these flaws include â€Å"the faithless elector, the winner-take-all system, the constant two electoral votes, the uncertainty of the winner wining, and the contingency procedure† (qtd. in Rose, 1994, p. 199).  One proposal to change how the system works without formally abolishing it can be explained by changes in the winner’s victory, which should not be exaggerated. Electoral College could work through direct vote. In this case it should not be abolished. Many supporters state that the Electoral College guarantees a popular vote election that can provide â€Å"one person-one vote† election. The Electoral College’s underlying rationale has direct relation to contemporary America. This institution has worked effectively and should not be modified as it protects the smaller states. I consider that Electoral College has a strong impact on presidential leadership capacity.   Without this institution, a candidate to the presidency could run solely in the densely populated states and win the victory in the elections, completely ignoring the opinion of the less populated rural states.

Friday, November 22, 2019

High Performance Timer in Delphi - TStopWatch

High Performance Timer in Delphi - TStopWatch For routine desktop database applications, adding a single second to a tasks execution time rarely makes a difference to end users - but when you need to process millions of tree leaves or generate billions of unique random numbers, speed-of-execution becomes more important. Timing Out Your Code In some applications, very accurate, high-precision time measurement methods are important and luckily Delphi provides a high-performance counter to qualify  these times. Using RTLs Now  Function One option uses the Now function. Now, defined in the SysUtils unit, returns the current system date and time. A few lines of code measure elapsed time between the start and stop of some process: var   Ã‚  start, stop, elapsed : TDateTime;​ begin   Ã‚  start : Now;   Ã‚  //TimeOutThis();   Ã‚  stop : Now;   Ã‚  elapsed : stop - start; end; The Now function returns the current system date and time that is accurate up to 10 milliseconds (Windows NT and later) or 55 milliseconds (Windows 98). For very small intervals the precision of Now is sometimes not enough. Using Windows API GetTickCount For even more precise data, use the GetTickCount Windows API function. GetTickCount retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, but the function only has the precision of 1 ms and may not always be accurate if the computer remains powered-up for long periods of time. The elapsed time is stored as a DWORD (32-bit) value. Therefore, the time will wrap around to zero if Windows is run continuously for 49.7 days. var   Ã‚  start, stop, elapsed : cardinal; begin   Ã‚  start : GetTickCount;   Ã‚  //TimeOutThis();   Ã‚  stop : GetTickCount;   Ã‚  elapsed : stop - start; //millisecondsend; GetTickCount is also limited to the accuracy of the system timer (10 / 55 ms). High Precision Timing Out Your Code If your PC supports a high-resolution performance counter, use the QueryPerformanceFrequency Windows API function to express the frequency, in counts per second. The value of the count is processor dependent. The QueryPerformanceCounter function retrieves the current value of the high-resolution performance counter. By calling this function at the beginning and end of a section of code, an application uses the counter as a high-resolution timer. The accuracy of high-resolution timers is around a few hundred nanoseconds. A nanosecond is a unit of time representing 0.000000001 seconds or 1 billionth of a second. TStopWatch: Delphi Implementation of a High-Resolution Counter With a nod to .Net naming conventions, a counter like TStopWatch offers a high-resolution Delphi solution for precise time measurements. TStopWatch measures elapsed time by counting timer ticks in the underlying timer mechanism. The IsHighResolution property indicates whether the timer is based on a high-resolution performance counter.The Start method starts measuring elapsed time.The Stop method stops measuring elapsed time.The ElapsedMilliseconds property gets the total elapsed time in milliseconds.The Elapsed property gets the total elapsed time in timer ticks. unit StopWatch;interface uses Windows, SysUtils, DateUtils;type TStopWatch class   Ã‚  private   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fFrequency : TLargeInteger;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fIsRunning: boolean;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fIsHighResolution: boolean;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fStartCount, fStopCount : TLargeInteger;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  procedure SetTickStamp(var lInt : TLargeInteger) ;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  function GetElapsedTicks: TLargeInteger;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  function GetElapsedMilliseconds: TLargeInteger;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  function GetElapsed: string;  Ã‚  public   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  constructor Create(const startOnCreate : boolean false) ;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  procedure Start;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  procedure Stop;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property IsHighResolution : boolean read fIsHighResolution;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property ElapsedTicks : TLargeInteger read GetElapsedTicks;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property ElapsedMilliseconds : TLargeInteger read GetElapsedMilliseconds;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property Elapsed : string read GetElapsed;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  property IsRunning : b oolean read fIsRunning;  Ã‚  end;implementation constructor TStopWatch.Create(const startOnCreate : boolean false) ;begin   Ã‚  inherited Create;   Ã‚  fIsRunning : false;   Ã‚  fIsHighResolution : QueryPerformanceFrequency(fFrequency) ;   Ã‚  if NOT fIsHighResolution then fFrequency : MSecsPerSec;  Ã‚  if startOnCreate then Start;end;function TStopWatch.GetElapsedTicks: TLargeInteger;begin   Ã‚  result : fStopCount - fStartCount; end;procedure TStopWatch.SetTickStamp(var lInt : TLargeInteger) ;begin   Ã‚  if fIsHighResolution then   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  QueryPerformanceCounter(lInt)   Ã‚  else   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  lInt : MilliSecondOf(Now) ; end;function TStopWatch.GetElapsed: string;var   Ã‚  dt : TDateTime; begin   Ã‚  dt : ElapsedMilliseconds / MSecsPerSec / SecsPerDay;   Ã‚  result : Format(%d days, %s, [trunc(dt), FormatDateTime(hh:nn:ss.z, Frac(dt))]) ; end;function TStopWatch.GetElapsedMilliseconds: TLargeInteger;begin   Ã‚  result : (MSecsPerSec * (fStopCount - fStartCount)) div fFrequency; end;procedure TStopWatch.Start;begin   Ã‚  SetTickStamp(fStartCount) ;   Ã‚  fIsRunning : true; end;procedure TStopWatch.Stop;begin   Ã‚  SetTickStamp(fStopCount) ;   Ã‚  fIsRunning : false; end;end. Heres an example of usage: var   Ã‚  sw : TStopWatch;   Ã‚  elapsedMilliseconds : cardinal; begin   Ã‚  sw : TStopWatch.Create() ;   Ã‚  try   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  sw.Start;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  //TimeOutThisFunction()   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  sw.Stop;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  elapsedMilliseconds : sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;   Ã‚  finally   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  sw.Free;   Ã‚  end;end;

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Solar Powered Fridge Technical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Solar Powered Fridge Technical Report - Essay Example However majority of the mankind which lives in the developing or third world countries has just recently woken up to the benefits of refrigeration. As these countries continue to grow rapidly, their people will require refrigeration in some form or other. Refrigeration is required not only for keeping food fresh but is also needed for transportation of perishable products like meat, milk etc (, 2013). Although the need for refrigeration is huge, third world countries are suffering from immense energy crisis. Most of these countries do not have the resources to provide electricity to the entire population. Where electricity is available, there are problem of irregular supply and voltage problems. A huge amount of capital is also required to set up power plants in order to provide electricity to all. Such huge amounts of capital are rarely available in third world countries. After the Kyoto protocol, there is also a raised concern of environmental sustainability of economic gro wth. The model of growth being followed by developed nation is simply not sustainable. Solar power addresses both these concerns – neither does it require immense investment to ensure electricity supply nor does it harm the environment. Solar powered refrigerators thus provide an ideal solution to the refrigeration needs of the third world countries. This paper discusses the functioning of a solar powered refrigerator. It discusses the 2 prototypes - Evaporative Cooler fridge and absorption based heat driven coolers. Evaporative Cooler Fridge The most amazing thing about an Evaporative cooler fridge is its simplicity. It is very simple to make and can be made with the use of minimal resources in third world countries. The diagram of an evaporative cooler fridge is shown below – Source: (, 2013) Construction The fridge consists of 2 cylinders. The outer cylinder can be made up of cardboard, plastic or any other material. It should have a lot of holes in it to al low the maximum access to solar energy .The inner cylinder should be made up of a good conductor of heat. Iron or steel are the best possible materials which are easily available and also good conductors of heat. The inner cylinder should not have any holes. The space between the two cylinders needs to be filled up with a material which is a good absorber of water. Sand and wool works best here. Food or any other material which needs to be kept cool should be kept in the inner cylinder. The next section explains the working of this refrigerator. Working This fridge works on the simple principle of evaporation of water and conduction of heat. In order to â€Å"start the fridge†; pour water in the space between the two cylinders. This water will be soaked by the sand. It is important to fill the space with sand in order to allow slow evaporation of water and ensure that minimum refills are required for the successful working of the refrigerator. As solar energy falls on the san d evaporation of water from the sand takes place. As water evaporates, the process of conduction of heat will ensure that heat is extracted from the inner chamber in order to help the water evaporate. This conduction of heat will keep the chamber cold and the products inside fresh. The chamber can attain temperature of up to 6 degrees. In order to ensure that the fridge keeps working, the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Impossibility of Religious Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Impossibility of Religious Freedom - Essay Example The arguments leading to the determination of the case are in themselves suggestive of the position taken by Sullivan. The court’s determination argument, the free religious practice of rights must be based on a sincerely held religious belief†¦Moreover, that Holt proved it, by being neither slight nor idiosyncratic with tenets of Islam is arbitrary. The argument as explained by Sullivan essentially means that it rests with the courts to debate and establish whether or not the religiously-motivated practices are enjoying protection under the first amendment of the constitution. The court had to determine the growth of mustache was sincerely and genuinely motivated by the Islam religion. The condition in itself amounts to a violation of the religious freedom in the sense that the interrogation of legitimacy. Sullivan ably supports his position that â€Å"through interrogating the legitimacy of religious behavior in this first instance, the court fundamentally destroys the very idea of religious freedom. He continues, By requiring authentication of the religious motivation, the courts extend free exercise clause onto the behavior that is legitimized by virtue of external proofs like sacred texts, clerical pronouncements, widespread adherence or historical tradition. The argument implies that by the courts attempting to widen the scope of free practice, to accommodate all the subjective and unsubstantiated claims of motivating religion, they risk subjecting all the laws to exceptions.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Code of Conduct Essay Example for Free

Code of Conduct Essay As a consultant for the merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM, I have gathered much information pertaining the creating and implementation of a code of conduct. There are many different ways this code of conduct can be implemented and delivered. While understanding that each company will have different preferences as to how to implement the code, I will submit an outline of what I believe is the best and most efficient way to deliver the code of conduct for both companies equally. A code of conduct will create a framework or visual of how employees and clients will view the company as a whole. â€Å"The existence of the codes seem to frame how the companies and their activities are understood.† (Frostenson, Helin, Sandstrà ¶m, 2012, p. 269) The code of conduct for UWEAR and PALEDENIM will include four main components: Our Code and Responsibility, Violations and Consequences, Law Compliances and Regulatory Orders, and Policies and Procedures. Our Code and Responsibilities This would be the first section of the code of conduct. It should include the overview of the code, the responsibilities the code provides to the company, and those persons who must abide by the code. The responsibilities of the code are to serve as a guide to help employees, officers, and board members in making informed and ethical decisions. All persons including third parties, business partners, and contractors must know and understand the code and act in a way that is consistent with the code. Violations and Consequences Violations and consequences will be listed in this section, but will not be limited to the written communications here. Employees will be encouraged to know and understand each violation listed and its consequences. They will also be expected to report any observed accounts of unethical behavior. Consequences would include but wouldn’t be limited to separation of employment. Law Compliances and Regulatory Orders The information listed here would be mostly useful to management and executive level officers. However, employees must maintain knowledge and  understanding of this section in order to remain compliant at the door level. All federal regulations will be stated in this portion of the code of conduct. For example, the policy created to implement the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to monitor internal auditing policies would be stated in this section. Here is where the human resources department will verify the company’s compliances with federal regulatory acts such as the Sarbanes- Oxley Act. Policies and Procedures The policies and procedures section will include all policies that employees, managers, and board members must follow. There will be sections to separate the policies that apply to each individual level. Although board members and managers are ranked higher than door level employees, they must still abide by the policies and procedures of the lower level employees. For example, the No Gift policy as stated in previous works, will be listed under a section for door level employees but must still be followed by all employees of the company. This will guarantee a fair level of work and maintain employee moral as far as ethics and behaviors are concerned. Consistency across the board for all employees and work levels, is the goal in stating the policies and procedures. Non-compliance to policies and procedures will be stated in the violations and consequences section. After the code of conduct is fully compiled and voted on by the ethics board, it must be delivered. Although having a creative way to present the code of conduct to the company, it is more important to understand the client and their expectations. Preparation as a speaker would be my main focus in delivering the code. â€Å"As much as technology has advanced and improved the quality of audiovisuals aids in presentations, it is important to review the basics of being a better speaker.† (Lucente-Cole, 2004, p. 42) Preparing myself to deliver the code of conduct in a way that generates feedback from the audience, will allow me to verify understanding and knowledge of the code. The code would be delivered in a new employee handbook and reviewed in all new hire orientations. Each new hire would be required to sign for receipt and understanding of the communications in the code of conduct. As for existing employees, they will review and sign for receipt during the next quarterly mee ting. There are other additional policies that haven’t been listed or discussed but should definitely be included. One of the most common policies that hasn’t been established is attendance. The attendance policy would be carried out or listed in different stages. For example, if an employee is tardy, there would be a verbal counseling to address stage one of the tardy policy in attendance. If that employee is tardy again, they will be disciplined according to stage two of the attendance policy. Disciplinary actions can be reduced or removed from an employees record after that employee exemplifies compliance with the policy for six months. Last but certainly not least, UWEAR and PALEDENIM should have a policy addressing sexual harassment. Sexual harassment occurs very often in the workplace. UWEAR and PALEDENIM must state explicitly, the expectations and consequences of sexual harassment. â€Å"Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.† (Sexual Harassment, n.d., para. 2) They, UWEAR and PALEDENIM, must make sure each employee understands what could be considered as sexual harassment in order to maintain compliance to this policy. Due to the fact that major lawsuits can be created from an occurrence of sexual harassment, this policy will be listed under Law Regulations and it must be strongly enforced. References Frostenson, M., Helin, S., Sandstrà ¶m, J. (2012). The internal significance of codes of conduct in retail companies. Business Ethics: A European Review, 21(3), 263-275. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2012.01657.x Lucente-Cole, G. (2004). Delivering An Effective Presentation. Public Relations Quarterly, 49(4), 42. Sexual Harassment. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2014, from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Creation Stories :: African Creation Tales Essays

Creation Stories All cultures seek to explain how everything in this world was created. They come up with their own creation stories that describe the creation of themselves and the things around them. Most creation stories also attempt to explain mysterious phenomena, teach lessons to the listeners, and emphasize aspects of life that each culture finds important. The three creation stories that I chose to compare were the creation myths of the Mande, the African Bushmen, and the Egyptians. These creation stories, though extremely different do share some similarities. The African Bushmen myth and the Egyptian myth both have lessons or morals to be learned from the story; specifically, they emphasize the importance of obeying laws. The Egyptian myth, â€Å"The Story of Re,† shows that men must obey the laws of Re, the creator, even if he appears weak in their eyes. When the men stopped obeying Re, they were slaughtered by his daughter, Sekhmet. The African Bushmen myth demonstrated that one should always obey the laws of the creator (in this case, Kaang) because it is usually for one’s own benefit anyway. The people disobeyed Kaang’s warning not to use fire and so their use of fire ended up scaring off the animals breaking off communication between people and animals. All three myths reveal something about what its culture considers to be important in life—the myths indicate what these cultures value and what fascinates them. The Egyptian myth, â€Å"The Story of Re,† reveals the Egyptians’ fascination with bloodshed; there is a great deal of bloodshed when Sekhmet slaughters men and takes pleasure in their blood. The myth also indicates that Egyptians valued cunning deception and magic arts. The myth involves two instances in which a character tricks another character using clever and/or magical means. In one instance, Re tricks Sekhmet into drinking large amounts of alcohol by dying it red with red ocher, so that she thinks it is blood. In another instance, Isis tricks Re into telling her his secret name by requiring it as part of a cure for a snakebite. Through their creation myth, the African Bushmen indicate that they value man’s interaction with animals; they show concern about fire and the fact that it frightens animals. They seem to feel that fire has ruined the relationship between men and animals.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Current Pharma Scenario in India Essay

The Indian Pharmaceutical industry has been witnessing phenomenal growth in recent years, driven by rising consumption levels in the country and strong demand from export markets. The pharmaceutical industry in India is estimated to be worth about US$ 8 bn, growing at an annual rate of 12-15%. In world rankings, the domestic industry stands 3rd in terms of volume and 12th in value growth terms. The ranking in value terms may also be a reflection of the low prices at which medicines are sold in the country. The industry has seen tremendous progress in terms of infrastructure development, technology base and the wide range of products manufactured. Demand from the exports market has been growing rapidly due to the capability of Indian players to produce cost-effective drugs with world class manufacturing facilities. Bulk drugs of all major therapeutic groups, requiring complicated manufacturing processes are now being produced in India. Pharma companies have developed Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliant facilities for the production of different dosage forms. In addition, India’s long-established position as a preferred manufacturing location for multinational drug manufacturers is quickly spreading into other areas of outsourcing activities. Soaring costs of R&D and administration are persuading drug manufacturers to move more and more of their discovery research and clinical trials activities to the subcontinent or to establish administrative centres there, capitalizing on India’s high levels of scientific expertise as well as low wages A highly fragmented industry, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is estimated to have over 30,000 manufacturing and marketing units. Indian pharmaceutical industry will be the 4th largest industry of the country in 2013 turnover wise. The organized sector accounts for just 5% of the industry, while a huge 95% is in the unorganized sector. A large number of players in the unorganized segment are small and medium enterprises and this segment contributes 35% of the industry’s turnover. Why medicines are essential? * Increased health consciousness * Increased life span * Changed lifestyle, increased stress * Junk food consumption * Recurring problems of senior citizens (Kidney problems, cardiovascular problems etc.) * Increasing frequency of accidents. (Above figures are taken from –MAT07 July 2012 IMS ORG data) (ORG IMS Research Pvt. Ltd. is the one global source for leading-edge, customized business intelligence about the pharmaceutical market, providing clients with critical information, analyses and answers that drive superior business decisions and strategies.) Along with the manufacturing of the dosage forms raw material manufacturers, diagnostic products, surgical product manufacturers and packaging element manufacturer forms an integral part of the industry. OPPURTUNITIES: a) Generic Market: India has a significant share in the global generics market and is ranked third. In recent years, this segment has been facing stiff competition which makes the scale of production important to improve profitability. India has pre-dominantly been a generic player and has the potential to gain a global presence for the following key developments: * Multiple branded drug patent expirations in the short term of span. According to IMS Health, after 2006-2007 many top selling product patents expired .E.g. In Nov 2011 patent of brand Lipitor expired. Such expiration carries tremendous impact on the generic market. * Increasing confidence of consumers in generics in the developed markets * A pro-generic sentiment from healthcare authorities driven by the pressure of containing rising healthcare costs * An aging population across the world, leading to increasing demand for low cost therapies * Global healthcare crisis like AIDS in the developing world, necessitating affordable medication for the masses Generic companies in India are recognizing the importance of patent expiries and are making significant incremental investments in research and drug development. b) Outsourcing: India’s status as an information technology superpower, with access to specialist skills and 24/7 work hours, is a huge advantage as it strengthens its position as the destination of choice for contract research, including drug discovery. Eighty-two percent of U.S companies overall rank India as their first-choice IT outsourcing destination, says leading international clinical research organization Chiltern International, adding that IT and ITenabled services (ITES) companies have been expanding their activities in India to new business segments such as bioinformatics and life sciences; those doing so or planning to include Accenture, Intel, Satyam, Cognizant, IBM, Oracle and TCS. Wipro Spectramind, India’s largest third-party offshore business process outsourcing provider, is conducting bioinformatics work for global pharmaceutical companies MNCs that have already entered into off shoring contracts include Pfizer India, which has signed a preferred provider contract for its biometrics division with Cognizant Technologies India and is also working with SIRO Clinpharm; Wyeth, working with Accenture in clinical trial data management; GSK, whose biomedical data sciences and clinical data management centre in Bangalore supports studies for the group worldwide; and Novartis, which has a software development centre for specialized drug development programs India’s Other Advantages for Off shoring * Low-cost skill base * Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) and U.S. FDA compliance levels * High visibility in generics * High-quality, compliant manufacturing * Strong financial position with ability to scale up * Manufacturing capacity * Access to new technologies * Cost efficiency and track record * Industry position * Recognition of product patents c) Contract Manufacturing: Manufacturing outsourcing-supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates * Development outsourcing-conducting preclinical and clinical trials * Customized chemistry services-contract research services for compounds pre-launch. CHALLENGES: Even after the increased investment, market leaders such as Ranbaxy and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories spent only 5-10% of their revenues on R&D, lagging behind Western pharmaceuticals like Pfizer, whose research budget last year was greater than the combined revenues of the entire Indian pharmaceutical industry. This disparity is too great to be explained by cost differentials, and it comes when advances in genomics have made research equipment more expensive than ever. The drug discovery process is further hindered by a dearth of qualified molecular biologists. Due to the disconnect between curriculum and industry, pharmas in India also lack the academic collaboration that is crucial to drug development in the West and so far. It can be defined as planning and executing various concepts of price, promotion, distribution and services offered to potential buyers. 1. Challenges Shift from acute to chronic With the disease burden shifting from acute to chronic and lifestyle changing, product portfolios of companies are also changing rapidly to include long-term therapies. That brings in greater challenges of ‘adherence’ to therapy for better patient outcomes. In the case of infectious diseases, the problem of drug resistance is looming large too. Consumer mind-set towards health Proactively attending to health seems to be the last thing on the Indian consumer’s mind. Unless one falls sick, he does not seek medical attention. And even after he falls sick, the inclination is towards a quick recovery so that he can get back to work. Only recently, this is beginning to change amongst a certain section who have begun to take preventive health check up seriously, and pay attention to nutrition and lifestyle for better health. Doctor mind-set With the ratio of doctor: people being very low, doctors are extremely busy treating patients. With less time on hand, they cannot pay attention to patient education or counselling. Nor are they able to give enough time to update their knowledge, even if they wish to. Thus with newer therapies being made available, continuing medical education programs for doctors are becoming increasingly important. Such seminars, conferences and the internet meet this need. Multiple brands, reduced differentiation With hundreds of companies marketing the same molecules with different brand names, no differentiation between brands, doctors giving just a minute or so to detail, the challenges for today’s pharma marketer are immense. 2. Opportunities Improving healthcare infrastructure With more and more private hospitals being constructed, government spending on healthcare increasing and more number of people accessing health insurance; the domestic market does provide greater opportunities. However, the mind-set and skill-set needs to be tuned for this. Access to information on health People are increasingly accessing information on health, some of which is correct, but most other being confusing and inaccurate. Doctors are facing questions from patients too. This offers a great opportunity for the pharma marketers to provide cutting edge tools to the doctor to help him stay updated, and to reach patients with educational and accurate information. This also opens doors to marketers of OTC and nutraceutical products to reach consumers. Penetrating rural markets Some companies have already taken steps to reach rural markets. More innovative strategies to reach these markets are needed for growth. Here again, using technology could be the key. Penetration of the mobile being large in India, this medium offers great opportunity. Institutes offering pharmaceutical marketing courses: 1. NIPER 2. Narsee Monjee Institute of Mgt Studies, Mumbai 3. Indian Institute of Pharmaceutical Marketing,Lucknow 4. SIES, Navi Mumbai CONCLUSION There has never been a more important time for India’s government and its drug producers, both multinational and domestic, to work together in partnership for the good of the industry and the nation. With its enormous advantages, including a large, well-educated, skilled and English-speaking workforce, low operational costs and improving regulatory infrastructure, India has the potential to become the region’s hub for pharmaceutical and biotechnology discovery research, manufacturing, exporting and health care services within the next decade. For foreign investors, collaborations with India present a huge opportunity both in terms of joint production for the global market and supply of the growing domestic market. There is a need for regulatory reform in India to encourage leading global players to continue and accelerate the outsourcing of their R&D activities-beginning with discovery research-to the subcontinent.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Has society outgrown religion? Essay

Has society outgrown religion? // A hindrance to society or a useful delusion? Over eighty percent of the planet’s population partake in some form of religion, which would lead you to believe that it really does have a huge benefit to us not only as individuals but as an entire species. But could this be misleading? Once you remove the people from this eighty percent that follow religion only as a family tradition, or because it’s the simplest explanation to the questions for which they don’t have answers and leave the people that truly and honestly believe that religion is still in-date useful to society, one could argue that the number probably isn’t so overwhelming. Why is it that religion seems to have lost its veracity? It could be argued that religion just isn’t what it used to be; it no longer provides believable explanations for the phenomena that we as humans long to understand, such as the origin of the earth or even the origin of life itself. Nor can it provide feasible answers to questions such as â€Å"what is the meaning to life?† or â€Å"what is truly good?† So why is it that we no longer believe the answers and explanations provided by religion to be true (or even feasible)? Most of all, it’s the scientific processes allowed by vast technological advancement. Since the theories of Darwin, Galileo, Einstein, etc, which provide proof along with their explanations, the power of these old-age tales has been massively decreased whilst the urge to search for more and more scientific truths has rocketed. Although the advancement and application of science does not entirely rule out the possibility of a God (or intelligent designer), it does wash away the initial value of religion. Barely anyone believes in the tale of the earth being created in seven days, or that a man called Noah took two of every animal and put them on an arc whilst God caused forty days of floods or even that mankind begun with two people named Adam and Eve, so surely it would take a true idiot to believe in a heaven or hell and thus follow the moral values by which we should abide in order to avoid the misfortunate fate of ending up in â€Å"hell†. Could the idea of heaven and hell be something which is as beneficial to us as the advancement of science? The German philosopher Jurgen Habermas claims that religious thinking is the centre of a just and humane society; he states that things such as human rights and social order derive from Judeo-Christian thinking. â€Å"Even if society wanted to ‘outgrow’ religion, it would struggle to know where to go next.† This view is not dissimilar to that of Friedrich Nietzsche, who theorised that religion created ideas such as â€Å"sin† and thus guilt – which logically leads on to the fact that without the fears and rewards presented by religious teachings, humans would have very little reason to behave â€Å"morally† at all. So is it really the desire to hold society in this state of ‘morality’ and ‘social order’ that prevents the age-old tales religion from vanishing, or could it be something far closer to home? One could argue that religion is merely a means by which people find meaning and direction within their own lives. Organised religion provides us with a set of rules to live by and presents us with â€Å"rewards† for following them; we are given a sense of duty to fulfil our roles as humans by going good not only by others but by ourselves. Religion provides us with a sense of community, it lets us believe that there is a great man in the sky that is always there to listen; it creates a more realistic ‘ear’ in the form of church groups and other religion-based communities. Essentially it gives us the sense that we can do right, and that we can act in order to achieve the ‘ultimate individual goal’ – reaching heaven. Is reaching heaven really the ‘ultimate individual goal’ though? It seems entirely futile to waste potentially your only life aiming for something which may not even exist, and it makes no sense that we as people would be rewarded by God for spending our entire lives taking blind faith in something that we could only eschatologically verify. Looking at things from this point of view it seems that religion is not nourishing or useful to us as human beings, but in fact a complete hindrance. The vast amount of religions and the degrees by which they vary also creates a huge hindrance to us as a species; religion and the conflict between each separate one causes more bloodshed than anything else in the world. When people feel the need to violently attack each other in order to prove one God’s worth over another, and this is allowed (or even encouraged) by the rules within that religion it would seem that something is terribly wrong. It is also in this case that the promise of a heaven or hell for following the rules of religion is something which doesn’t benefit society, but instead leads individuals to believe that it is okay to commit homicide or suicide to fight for their cause, as God will still ‘love’ them. Essentially, religion is both a hindrance to us and a useful delusion. If only we could learn to take the â€Å"good bits† from religion such as the strong moral values, social order and general good will and learn to let go of some of the values that we really are beginning to outgrow – such as the things that science is now taking over – then religion would be of benefit to us all. Such an approach to religion could even take away the strength behind it that not only causes conflict and bloodshed, but causes us to potentially waste our lives by aiming for an afterlife that we cannot even guarantee exists. Either way, it seems that religion (and the values held within it) is going to be here for a long while yet.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The New Deal vs. Progressive E essays

The New Deal vs. Progressive E essays The accomplishments taken place upon the onset of the many New Deal legislations owe much to the seeds implanted and unknowingly disseminated by the pre-WWI Progressive movement. Sparked by the new image as a world power, industrialization, and immigration at the dawn of the new century, a new found reform movement gripped the nation. With the new found image of the nation and world as a whole, the reforms advanced the position of the previously ignored people of the nation, as did its reincarnation and rebirth apparent in the New Deal. Although the first signs of this pristine Progressive movement shone since the mid-1800s, no one had cleared the way for its momentous effect upon the nation in the same degree as Theodore Roosevelt. Although at times hot-tempered and brash, his charismatic attitude pushed forward many of the original progressive legislations. For example, his Sherman Anti-Trust Act proposed the life of a trust should be based on its history and actions, since he believed good trusts existed along with bad ones. Next, the Elkins Act proposed railroads and shippers to offer rebates illegal. They also had to have fixed rates, and couldnt change without notice. Also, the Hepburn Act gave ICC the power to set maximum railroad rates. Next, of course because of the impetus for reform provided by the many socialist writers, such as Upton Sinclair, was the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, protecting the health and safety of consumable products and establishing the Food and Drug Administration. He also wished to preserve the untainted countryside, and established the National Forest Service and also strengthened the Forest Bureau. He also passed the Newlands Act which helped to create subsidies for irrigation in 16 western states. The actions taken by Theodore Roosevelt proved to throw the Progressive movement into the mainstream of the nation, showing its true, inge...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Antonio Salieri Biography

Austrian dukedom of Mantra, was a composer and conductor who received considerable public acclaim in his day. He studied violin and harpsichord with his brother Francesco, who was a student of Giuseppe Tartly. After the death of his parents, he moved to Pad, then to Venice, where he studied thoroughness with Giovanni Peppiest. In 1766 Saltier met Florien Leopold Gamesman, who Invited him to attend the court of Vienna and there trained him in composition based on Fix;sGrades ad Apparatus. He remained in Vienna for the remainder of his life, and in 1774, when Gamesman died, Saltier was appointed the court composer by Emperor Joseph II, and Imperial Royal Experimentalist in 1788. During his time in Vienna he acquired great prestige as a composer and conductor, particularly of opera, and also of chamber and sacred music. The most successful of his 43 operas were Less Dandies (1784), which was first presented as work of Clucks, and Tartar (1787). He wrote comparatively little Instrumental music, including Just llano concerti written In 1773. He attained an elevated social standing, and frequently associated with other celebrated composers such as Joseph Haydn. As children, Beethoven, Schubert and List all benefited from his tutelage. He also taught Czerny, Hummel and a son of Mozart. Antonio Saltier is buried in the Contraindicated in Vienna, Austria. Allegations by Mozart In Vienna in the sass, Mozart accused Saltier of plagiarism and of attempting to murder him with poison. As Mozart music became more popular over the decades ND Callers music was forgotten, Mozart unsubstantiated allegations gained credence and tarnished Galleries reputation. The biographer Alexander Hellhole Thayer believes that Mozart suspicions of Saltier could have originated with an incident in 1781 when Mozart applied to be the music teacher of the Princess of W;retriever, and Saltier was selected instead, and the following year Mozart was not selected to be the Princesss piano teacher either.Later on, when Mozart Eel Nozzle did Figaro was not liked by either the Emperor Joseph II nor by the public, Mozart blamed Saltier for the failure. Saltier and his tribe will move heaven and earth to put it [Figaro] down, wrote Leopold Mozart. But at the time of the premiere of Figaro, Saltier was busy In France with his own operas. Thayer believes that the Intrigues surrounding the failure of Figaro were instigated by the poet Abate Casts against the Court Poet, Ad Point, who wrote the Figar o libretto. F his Don Giovanni, the poet was ordered back to Vienna for a royal wedding for Inch Galleries Gaur would be performed. Obviously, Mozart was not pleased by this. And yet Saltier did not intend to hinder Mozart career. When Saltier was appointed Experimentalist in 1788, instead of bringing out an opera of his own, he revived Figaro. En in his later years, Galleries health declined and he was hospitalized, there were rumors that Saltier confessed to Mozart murder.Galleries two nurses attested that Saltier said no such thing and that at least one of the two of them was with Saltier during his hospital stay. After Galleries death, the opera by Nicolai Rims-Karaoke, Mozart et Saltier (1898) darted a tradition of dramatic license crossing into slander based on Mozart allegations, continued by the play by Peter Shaffer, Amadeus (1979; and the Oscar inning original film based on the play, released in 1984, and Directors Cut was released on 2001 with an additional 20 minutes of footage).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

SEO Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SEO - Research Paper Example AVG representatives professionally practice aggregation, where, they collect most relevant content about information security in a single post and then address the almost all the available solutions to data vulnerabilities. Goal is brand that is widely excelling in the advertisement of football topics. This is in the industry of sports, particularly, football. To be precise, through the application of aggregation and chronology as its content curation styles, the company has been successful to market itself to a very large number of clients all around the globe. As aforementioned earlier, aggregation is about active collection of most relevant data about a topic into a single post while chronology entails laying out a particular set of information or topic on the basis of historical timeline (DeMers, 2014). In this sense, Goal applies aggregation by collecting the most up to date football information and dispense on its web pages. Additionally, the company further provides information regarding occurrences of different football topics over a certain period of time, thus, acting as a key source historical data about